Tejas “An unashamed vibratory aura of goodness and a quiet outer expression of deep
inner joy” - Yogananda

What is Tejas?
Tejas is the pure essence of pitta and the fire element. It is the burning flame of pure
intelligence. It is responsible for the digestion in our bodies and the transformation of everything in the Universe. Tejas provides rupa (our coloring), prabha (our glow orluster), and sparsha (our quality of touch). Tejas is also responsible for the color of our aura, our
electromagnetic field. It governs optical and tactile perception. It transforms human
love into pure unconditional love and awareness. It allows us to find single pointed
focus in meditation. It allows us to have clarity of vision in life.
Ways To Support Tejas
Listen to the body’s natural intelligence, your deeper voice of intuition
Align your life rhythms with the rhythms of nature
Sun gaze, watch the sunrise and sunset, sunbathe
Pay attention to what illuminates your mind and do more of that
Avoid being overstimulated and practice pratyahara (unhooking from outer sensory
input and tapping into pure essence inside)
Do Surya Namaskar (sun salutations)
Do gentle aerobic exercise where heart rate goes up and a mild sweat breaks (15-20
min a day)
Svedana (sweating, sitting in a sauna)
Trataka (meditate while gazing at a flame)
Do stimulating pranayama(breathing techniques) - bhastrika, agni sara, kapalabhati
Kindle Agni (support and protect digestive fire) - use herbs if needed to support
digestion like fresh ginger, cumin, fennel
Favor foods that are warm and nourishing
Eat your main meal during pitta hours of the day (10am-2pm)
Life visioning: create a vision board, journal, allow your inner flame of
awareness to get brighter
Make use of the golden hours of the morning
Read something inspiring and illuminating
Put your attention on and be inspired by illumined humans by learning about
their lives and reading their words of wisdom
Meditate on and chant the Gayatri Mantra
Want to learn more about Tejas and how it's manifesting in your life? Contact me to book an Ayurvedic Consultation!